Chronicles 100 (C100) is our content creation platform that, as of this writing consists of 130 sites focusing on a wide range of family-friendly topics of interest to the general public. Owning a Chronicles 100 Channel provides an opportunity for Content Creators to create a thriving online business that not only fuels their passion for their topic of interest but can also provide financial independence. The Chronicles Guide to Creating and Monetizing Content teaches how to focus on quality, engagement, and smart monetization. It provides a solid foundation for success in creating content in a C100 Channel. Your own Channel is not just about making content; it’s about creating a legacy and a lifestyle that rewards creativity, hard work, and passion. You can obtain a copy today for only $9.99 (regular $29.99).

As a “proof of concept”, that a C100 site can help monetize content, the Chronicles Founder turned a life long hobby of writing songs, recording, mixing and mastering them into a highly successful online business at TSOUL where he sells downloads of his fifty original songs. Incidentally, he has now completed the movie script for Can’t Stop It and forty-five of his original songs comprise its sound track.